It is late July, and our adventure is over. The Global tavelers headed back to the home base on July 11th. The Gulfstream took off at 10:15 from Anchorage and headed Southeast, made a low pass over the fjords near Wrangell, another low approach at Watson Lake, another at Bozman, MT and returned to Broomfield, CO.

It has rained minutes before we landed and the GV’s reflection in the wet tarmac was a beautiful sight for the people who came out to greet us home.

In the next day or two I have been a witness to several of my compatriots in travel, wandering around the office building and hangars, looking lost and confused. I have observed that some of them, entering the GV hangar, would notice the airplane and shakily walk to it, arms stretched out, grasp the handrails and instantly regain sense of direction, briskly ascend the air stairs, find their seat inside and start looking at the instrument switches with bright eyes and a smile on their face, feeling the familiar life returning to them. We all just about grew roots in this cabin and seats, and it will be hard to break the habit.
For another two weeks I have seen remote airports every night, sometimes those we have been to and some other times, completely strange; I arranged for transportation, planned flights and wondered which car in the parking lot is mine today, just to wake up as tired as after a real flight. Many other people reported the same state to me in the past; it takes about 2-3 weeks to fully decompress after a four week deployment like this.
But in only three more weeks we will be going on a Global Project again, and will visit some of the familiar, but so unique, places. I hope you come back to join me on that new adventure. And if you are interested – post questions. I will try to be your eyes and curiosity at these amazing places.